Not strictly speaking an Islay link, but when I read the headline I immediately had to think of Islay. The rare bird is the elusive (as far as actually seeing one) Corncrake. I’ve heard its iconic call many times, in particular around Kilchoman, but only seen one once. A great memory of the late Ian Brooke, who excitedly knocked on the door of the cottage I was staying in to alert me to it sitting on a wall in plain view not far away. A great and unexpected sight. This bird currently only survives in the western and northern isles of Scotland in the UK, but the BBC reports about it being reintroduced in Norfolk in England with this headline:
Fresh hope for bird with bizarre ‘crex crex’ call
This probably describes them quite well:
It was often heard at night, keeping people awake with its piercing call, much like the sound of wood being drawn across the teeth of a comb.
I think people who had one below their bedroom window can relate. If you haven’t heard the call before, you can listen to it on the link above.