I must admit I’ve got mixed feelings watching this video. Over the years I’ve visited the now closed Jura House Gardens many times. I’ve walked along the shore at Ardfin at least twice. With the new private golf course (at least that’s my understanding, it’s a private course with no or only very limited public access) this is all history. At the same time the views in this video look spectacular:
So those privileged few who play golf and get a chance to play this course will certainly have a fantastic time. The ‘common’ people as well as people who prefer a rugged more natural landscape will almost certainly lose out.
I find the privatisation of this wonderful formerly accessible landscape in the service of “sport” for a few deeply depressing.
I have gone most years to Jura’s Ardfin Estate since 1984 and during this time I saw it become very run down with very little happening and Greg Coffee purchase has not only transformed the Ardfin Estate into a jewel in the Hebrides. Houses have been bought back from the summer lets to having actual families living in them and there has been a substantial increase in people living and finding work as well as providing opportunities for youngsters on Jura too instead of having to seek employment on the Mainland that still haunts many of the other islands. The shop has been renovated and the whole Island has a positive feel about it unlike it was just a few short years ago!! It still is a tiny part of the Estate and even less of the Island as a whole so you can see much of the Island as it was!!!
Well done Greg
Thomas J Tait OBE
and I would agree, reading it again I don’t think that really comes over. Trying to balance between accessible golf 1/2
(which I think partially exists elsewhere) and restricted private courses like I believe this one will be. 2/2
it’s the restrictive nature of the enterprise that most bothers me
Thomas Maufer
unfortunately I don’t have enough detail at this point, will there be any public access or will it be completely private?
Michael Sauerbrey
Janette Hannah
Fey Hag
New on the blog an excursion to Islay’s neighbour: Video of the new Isle of Jura golf course (under construction) new.islayblog.com/2017/01/07/vid…
Brian Stewart
Andy Buttery
Christine Bailey
Kirk W. Goerg
I have very mixed feelings – I fear it will bring very little to Jura either in terms of employment or visitors. I too heard that the course is to be ‘exclusive’ – basically for the friends and business associates of the owner and will be priced well outwith the average golfers range.
That’s my impression/concern as well, from what I’ve heard it’s only for the owner and the people he invites. In regards to employment I’ve heard mixed messages, some say it’s a net loss, others say it’s a net gain if you balance the lost farm jobs against the new golf course jobs.
I fear that the golf course jobs may not benefit locals much as greenkeeping is a skilled job which the ex farm workers will not be qualified to do.
Hilary Savage
Justin Grayston
Sounds like the response of the crofters that Askernish had to deal with when they reclaimed that Tom Morris gem. I do believe that Greg Coffey will allow limited public access but players will have to produce a bank credit letter to qualify. Those golfers who feel there is a lack of fairness here should consider moving to a socialist country…..!