Hen Harriers on Islay video by the RSPB

Islay is a stronghold for the rare and endangered Hen Harrier, an amazing bird. Today I came across this fascinating RSPB video about their mating and more:


There are several pairs on Islay, so if you visit the island you stand a good chance of seeing a Hen Harrier at some point. May be not during a food transfer, but at least while hunting over the moors.

Author: Armin Grewe

I blog about Islay.

18 thoughts on “Hen Harriers on Islay video by the RSPB”

  1. Great to see this. There are so many hen harriers going missing in mysterious circumstances now that it’s hard not to attribute the losses to over-zealous grouse farmers and gamekeepers. I don’t think there are any breeding pairs left in England.

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