Two Islay whisky news links this evening, one I consider to be a good news, the other is more bad news. Pour yourself a wee dram of a good Islay single malt whisky and read on:
Let me start with the not so good news: The Times (£ or registration required to read full article, sorry) reports Business Rates – Rises pour misery on island distilleries. For the big distilleries while not nice I should think they will be able to manage. For the smaller independent ones I think a 40% increase will be quite a bit tougher.
Moving on to the good news, where I think this should have never gone to court in the first place. The consumer isn’t as stupid as some lawyers seem to think. The Herald reports (I also saw it in The Sun, but I won’t link to that rag) Whisky distiller wins trademark battle with makers of McEwan’s Lager. The whisky distiller in question is of course Jim McEwan, who is back in business.
Folk who cannot tell the difference between beer, and whisky, should probably not be drinking.
Indeed. While I understand and accept some trademark law and the enforcement of it there’s a lot I think is just plain ridiculous. Consumers aren’t that stupid. And if they are the company should be happy to lose them.,2013:10155333760473268_liked_by_806897486034098
Andy Buttery,2013:10155333760473268_liked_by_806032549432284
Seonaid Wilson,2013:10155333760473268_liked_by_656880367776259
Robert Davison