Congratulations to the Islay High FilmG winners!

Islay NewsRemember the Vote for Islay High at FilmG 2017 post from a month ago? Some excellent news this evening, as via Twitter I’ve just learned that the Islay High School / Àrd-sgoil Ìle submission has won in the Best Learners (‘The film where the Gaelic dialogue is best orated in a clear and fluid manner, from a class of Gaelic learners.’) category:

A closer look at the award:

I’m not sure at this point how they did in the People’s Choice vote, if I hear anything I’ll add an update below.

Author: Armin Grewe

I blog about Islay.

12 thoughts on “Congratulations to the Islay High FilmG winners!”

  1. Remember a few weeks ago I mentioned voting for the Islay entries at FilmG 2018? Unfortunately neither of the Islay entries won the people’s choice award but at least one prize returns to Islay again. Yes, you read that right, returns to Islay again. Same as last year Islay High has won the Gaelic Award for Learners:

    An dàrna bliadhna aca seo a’ glèidheadh duais an luchd-ionnsachaidh! Meal an naidheachd air Ìle Bheò. Well done to these guys, taking the Gaelic Award for Learners back to @CnaG_Alba @IslayHigh!
    Le taic bho @SabhalMorOstaig
    — FilmG Alba (@FilmGAlba) February 9, 2018
    Congratulations! Will they get to keep the prize if they win it again next year?
    Highlights of yesterday’s awards ceremony will be broadcast on BBC Alba at 21:00 on Sunday 11/Feb/2018 (and I believe be available on the iPlayer afterwards).

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